Saturday, April 19, 2014

“Another Version of Peace” Closing Event

 “Addressing Urban Hot Spots in Lebanon” an UNDP Lebanon project in collaboration with Al Makassed University – Health Department Building in Tarik El Jdide, Beirut. 

This activity was the closing and part of an event where beneficiaries from all age groups in Beirut and Ain El Helwe Palestinian Camp share their experiences in the UNDP Project “Addressing Urban Hot Spots in Lebanon”, which seeks to reduce and mitigate inter and intra-communal tensions in selected urban areas in Beirut and Saida with potential for conflict.

I Leaf Arts wanted to combine Peace and Art projecting colors by the help of many youth. The mural was all about cohesion and tolerance!
Photo Credits by the amazing eye behind the cam : Ninattitude - Nina Sharabati Photography ♥

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

"For Miles of Smiles"

I Leaf Arts 's creative booth and LIVE artistic interventions at "For Miles of Smiles".
In collaboration with AUB's Civic and Volunteering Fair 2014.
This event was planned by Center for Civic Engagement & Community (CCECS).
Photo Credits: Lina Sabbagh.